
Introduction to Bookings
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Set up the availability of services, consults, and more with the Storbie Bookings add-on.
Managing your bookings for your business’s services directly through your Storbie site allows your customers to check your availability and book in an appointment for any services you offer conveniently online. No need to send them off to another place on the web to book, and while they're locking in their appointment - they may as well browse your product range too.

*This feature is only available to websites on specific plans

The guide below will help you to get on your way with setting up bookings:
1. How to create an Availability Profile
2. How to set-up a Calendar
3. Creating a Bookable Service
4. Adding a Service to a page
5. Editing and Updating Existing Bookings
6. Viewing Future Bookings
7. Creating Manual Booking
8. Cancelling a Booking

Availability Profile
The first thing you will need to do is define an Availability Profile. This is where you define the hours available of a your resources are able to be booked within. Once you have created the Availability Profile, you will assign it to the calendar of one or more resources. An Availability Profile can often be your businesses opening hours.
A calendar sets the availability of a particular resource. For example, if the calendar was for a particular staff member you can book in their days off or lunch breaks etc. Ideally you would need a calendar for each resource. For example, you should create a calendar for any bookable room, equipment, as well as any staff member required.
This is the service a customer is booking, whether a vaccination or other type of consultation. The service entity is very similar to a product in terms of how you would add a name, description, image, price, and tags.

How to install the Bookings app
1. In settings navigate to apps
2. Click enable on the Bookings app
3. Click Install
4. You will now be able to see a new Bookings icon in your main settings menu.
5. Click on the Booking Icon to set-up your Booking options