Navigate to the product in the edit view of your site. Hover over the This Product drop-down menu at the top of the page and click on edit details then visibility. Here, select the third option (Display this product, but don't allow it to be purchased...).
Then click finish.
Hover over This Product again, and select edit pricing. Then, set the price to $0.00
Then click finish once again. Now the product will be displayed without a price, showing only an enquire button. New product If you are wanting to create a product without a price follow these steps. First, create a new product: Name it what you wish, then click next. You will then enter the pricing section, the price needs to be set as $0.00. Continue through the set up wizard entering all relevant product information. Once you reach the final stage, visibility, you will need to choose Display this product, but don't allow it to be purchased.
Now press finish. The product will be displayed only with an enquire button, ie. without a price.
Keywords: price of a product, hide the price, product information