
You can add customised content forms to your website for your customers to complete. These are useful for enquiries, quote requests, promotions and more. 

1. Head to Manage > Settings > Forms

Content Forms.png

2. Select Add Content Form.

Content Form Management.png

3. Enter a name for your form.

4. Select the distribution list you would like form results to be sent to. Learn more about distribution lists here:

5. Choose what you want to happen when the form is submitted. For example, you can choose for a message to be displayed.  

6. Click Finish.

7. You will be taken back to the Forms area of your settings. From here, select Edit Fields for the form you have created.

8. Populate your form by hovering over the arrow inside Form Fields.

a. For text entries, firstly label this field (ex. Measurements).  

b. Add instructions which will be displayed to the customer (Please measure from xxx to xxx).  

c. Complete the Additional Information section (ex. For quote requests, it is required that a customer supplies a contact email)

d. Click Finish

9. Once you have created all of the forms fields, click Close.

10. On Edit mode, head to the page product that you want the form to appear on.  

11. Select Form as a content item.

12. Select the form you want to appear here from the drop-down list.

13. Enter a title (ex. Request a Quote)

14. Select the distribution list you would like form results to be sent to. Learn more about distribution lists here:

15. Click Finish.

16. Publish changes.