
Site Search helps customers find what they are looking for. You can easily add a search box to your store which provides a way for your customers to search across your shop.

How Storbie search works is broken up into:
Like for Like: If a customer types in an exact match of a product or service name it will appear in the search results

Search Suggestions: If a customer is searching for a word on your website and pauses, a drop down will appear with suggestions based off the products on your website. This makes it faster to complete searches when customers start to type.

Improved search engine (Search Fuzziness): When a customer's search is incomplete or contains errors, our improved engine will take this into account and provide them with results regardless.

If you would like to pilot the new improved beta search functions please get in touch with

Adding site-wide search to your site:

  1. Go to the Settings tab in the Manage area.
  2. Click on Appearance.
  3. Click on Edit shop design (next to Your shop design)
  4. Move to the site search step.
  5. Choose to display a search box.
  6. Preview your store. You will see that a search box is now displayed that your customers can use.

Note: New and updated product information is not reflected updated immediately in your product search. It can take 10 minutes or so for the changes to take effect.