
How To Update Your Site Profile
Your Storbie Site Profile is the face of your online store, and it's crucial to keep it up to date and appealing to your customers. The details in your shop profile will populate your Footer content item , so it's important to consider applying top ranking keywords when writing your Shop Description to help with SEO.

Whether you need to update your shop address, description, or image, this guide will walk you through the steps to ensure your Storbie site profile is always up to date.

Step 1: Under the manage view, select settings 
A screenshot of a web page<br><br>Description automatically generated

Step 2a: Click "Edit shop profile" to change details such as the shop description and profile image
A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated

Step 2b: Click "Edit shop address" to update details such as the email and physical address.
A white background with black text<br><br>Description automatically generated

Step 3: Modify the details you want to update
A screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generatedA screenshot of a computer<br><br>Description automatically generated

Step 4: Click Finish, then Publish to save changes
A green and red rectangles with white text<br><br>Description automatically generated