E-Marketing Systems Integration
There are some excellent e-marketing products available such as Mailchimp, VerticalResponse and CampaignMonitor. Storbie provides an easy way to get your customers to opt in to your newsletter during the checkout process.
1. Go to Manage > Customers.
2. Click Change customer signup settings on the far right-side.
3. Click the button Set up CUSTOMER SIGNUP.
4. Select one of the options which asks customers if they would like to sign up to your newsletter. You can choose to have the check box automatically checked or not. Enter some text that explains to your customer what they are signing up to.
5. Click FINISH.
If you now preview the checkout you will see that your customers will be asked if they would like to sign up to your newsletter.
6. Before you send out a newsletter, return to the Customers page in the shop Manage area.
7. You can select specific customers to download information for, by checking the boxes on the left-side of their row, and selecting Download selected. You can download all data from a view, by selecting Download current view.
9. You will be notified when your file is downloaded and ready for use - you can then upload it to your chosen E-Marketing system.
Keywords: e-marketing emarketing newsletters email marketing HTML newsletters postcards campaigns distribution, subscription opt-in unsubscribe signup mail