
Thanks to our product import/export feature, there’s an easy way to edit the details of several products at once. To do this, you will first need to export the relevant products from your Storbie site via Product Export. You may want to save two copies of your product export, one that you will be working on and one that you can keep as a backup should your import produce an undesired result.  


  1. Go to the 'Products' tab in the 'Manage' area. 
  1. Hover over the 'more' drop down. 
  1. Select 'export all products'
  1. This will start to prepare your products for download. 
  1. When the process has finished you will be notified and will be able to download all your products by clicking on the products.csv file. 

  1. Go to the 'Products'tab in the 'Manage' area. 
  1. Check the boxes of the products you wish to export. 
  1. Hover over the 'more'drop down. 
  1. Select 'export selected products'
  1. This will start to prepare your products for download.
  1. When the process has finished you will be notified and will be able to download all of your products by clicking on the products.csv file. 


The following table summarises the columns that are included in your product catalogue CSV file.  
To begin working on your updates, you may want to delete columns that you are not altering. You must leave the Product-ID and SKU-ID column and you may want to leave the Name column so you can identify the product information you are updating.  If you don't include a column then the column will be left at its current value.  

*Lists should be separated by semi-colons i.e., tag1;tag2;tag3 

The most common product information you will be updating is the descriptions and images.  
Once you have updated the relevant product information, save the file as a CSV and import this to your site.  


Because a CSV file can potentially make changes to your product catalogue, we strongly advise that you publish all existing changes to your store before completing an import. This enables you to roll back your product import if you get unexpected results. If you are adding images ensure that you have uploaded the relevant images to Storbie, with the same file names specified in your product catalogue, prior to importing the CSV file.  
  1. Go to the 'Products'tab in the 'Manage'area. 
  1. Click 'Import Products'

  2. Click 'Choose File'and select the file that you would like to upload. 
  3. Click 'Finish'
  1. You will now see a message indicating that the product Import is in progress. 

  1. When the import is ready, a message indicating its completion will appear.

  1. Refresh the product page to see your updated products. 
  1. Review that the updates are as you expected. If they are, make sure to 'PublishChanges' to your shop.