
Do you want to have a Storbie store that is restricted to a specific set of buyers specified by you? This is possible with Storbie Wholesale. When this is turned on you have control over who buys from your store – simply send an invitation to their email address and then manage their access within your shop’s Manage area.
Turn on Storbie Wholesale

  1. Navigate to the Manage area 
  2. Navigate to Settings > Settings
  3. Click on Wholesale. You will be presented with a page that allows you to 'Restrict Shop Access'. Click this button.
  4. Check the box 'Restrict access for customers' to confirm that you would like your shop restricted to only customers you choose.
  5. Click FINISH.
  6. Publish all changes for Storbie Wholesale to be active.
  7. Once your changes have been published customers will not be able to view your store unless they are invited by you.
Invite your customers
The next steps require your shop to be live. If your shop is already live then please proceed otherwise return to the Manage area and Launch your shop.
  1. The Wholesale settings area allows you to invite your customers who you would like to have access to your shop.
  2. Click 'Invite New Customer'
  3. Enter the email address of the customer you would like to give access and click FINISH.
  4. The customer will be sent an invitation to access your shop. They will receive an email with a link to accept this invitation. Once accepted they will be invited to create a log in using their email and password. Every time these customers access your shop they will need to enter their email and password.
  5. To invite another customer repeat the process above.

If you need any further assistance with Storbie Wholesale please contact us at