
Storbie provides a number of options for customising shipping costs. Shipping requirements can vary greatly between shops depending on the nature and variety of products sold. We recommend that shipping costs are kept as simple as possible. This is easier for you to manage and easier to understand for your customer.
Shipping Terms
When setting up shipping in Storbie you will need to consider the following:
Delivery Zones
delivery zone is a country or geographical region for which shipping cost commonly varies. New Zealand, Australia and Western Europe are three examples of delivery zones. Shipping costs can be varied by delivery zone.
Shipping Profiles
shipping profile is a defined set of delivery zones.

Storbie has four shipping profiles that you can choose from if you are based in New Zealand:

All of the World (DHL Zoning)For when you deliver worldwide and want to be able to define your prices based on the way the DHL divides up the world into delivery zones.
All of the World (2020 New Zealand Post ZoningFor when you deliver worldwide and want to be able to define your prices based on the way the New Zealand Post divides up the world into delivery zones. 

Includes the 2020 addition of a separate USA postal zone.
All of the World (Old New Zealand Post zoning)For when you deliver worldwide and want to be able to define your prices based on the way the New Zealand Post divides up the world into delivery zones.

Does not include the USA specific postal zone
New Zealand onlyFor when you only allow delivery within New Zealand.
New Zealand/AustraliaFor when you only allow delivery within New Zealand and Australia.
If you are located outside of New Zealand then there are two shipping profiles to choose from:
Your country only         For when you only want to deliver within your country                                               
OverseasFor when you want to deliver worldwide

Shipping Variations
Shipping variations represent groups of products that have different shipping costs. For example, a shop might have one shipping variation for key-rings and other small items, plus a shipping variation for furniture or other large items. Shipping variations can then have different delivery prices defined. You can define any number of shipping variations and assign your products to them.
Shipping Methods
shipping method represents a means of delivering an item to the customer. Examples include Courier, NZ Post and pick-up. If you provide more than one shipping method to choose from then the customer will pick one during the checkout process.