We’ve got your back..
Well we have it to a point. For the rest of your back protection you might like to think about employing a couple of digital henchmen known as terms and conditions. Specific payment providers require you to have this and some products may mean you need this. If you think your webshop could do with some extra protection then this feature is for you.Examples
Here are a couple of examples of why you might want to add Terms and Conditions of Sale (Storbie takes no responsibility for anything said anywhere outside of these brackets).Payment providers
Certain payment providers will require you to have terms and conditions. For this option you can check terms and conditions that customers can view during the checkout process.
Product restrictions
You may want to restrict who can buy your products. You are now able to prompt customers to confirm that they meet your criteria before they can make a purchase.
Setting up Terms and Conditions of Sale
- Navigate to the Manage area of your shop.
- Select Polices.
- Click Edit Terms & Conditions of Sale.
- Select if you want customers to be shown the terms and conditions during the checkout process, or if you want customers to explicitly agree to the terms and conditions before making a purchase.
- Click NEXT and enter your Terms and Conditions.
Customer Experience
The customer's experience depends on whether you chose that they will only view or must explicitly agree to your terms. If you would like them to only view your terms then they will be shown your summary during the checkout and will be invited to view the full terms by clicking on a hyperlink. If you chose that they need to explicitly agree then a check box will be displayed. They will not be able to make their purchase unless they check the box indicating that they have agreed to your conditions.